Few months ago, during an Open Discussion in Singles Network, I discovered a shocking fact about Dating and Matrimonial sites...
90% profiles are fake!
Now, I don't know the accuracy of this statement and quite honestly it doesn't matter to me either. Because this is not about statistical accuracy, it is about a person's experience.
Nearly 50 people shared the same sentiment that 90% profiles they came across were fake.
Those fake profile people were either after money or sex!
To me, this was alarming, a massive failure of a system on which millions of people rely to find a life partner.
That system itself has become a breeding ground for lowly scammers. In fact, Netflix made a series on it as well called Wedding.con (which shows the extent of this problem).
Hence, at Anamify, we decided to do something about it!
The System we have created for the Conscious Matchmaking Service takes care of the fake profiles problem.
How? (you ask)
We first share short conceptual videos that explains how Conscious Matchmaking works
Those who like the concept, fill in an Expression of Interest (EoI) form
Our AI algorithm filters out any EoIs that don't align with our Service Model
Those EoIs that pass the AI algorithm, are invited to book an Assessment Call with me where I personally speak with them to assess their situation
Those who pass the Assessment Call, receive a link of a short video that explains the process and service fees.
Those who like the process, are invited to book a Qualifying Call with me on a Video Call.
Again, I personally conduct the Qualifying Call to ensure the genuineness and authenticity of that profile.
Honestly speaking, a scammer will not spend this much energy to go through our process as they already have much easier access to tons of profiles (including yours) on Dating and Matrimonial sites.
And just for argument sake, even if a scammer spends this much energy, it will all be a waste anyway for them!
Why? Because we don't give access to all the profiles to anyone.
Our Relationship Coaches (with the help of a customised AI algorithm) do the matchmaking and only share one-match-at-a-time.
This entire process is way too strict and close for a scammer.

So, if this system sounds good to you and you want to know more about the Conscious Matchmaking Service, then please continue reading from here...